Shantha Kumar T
Export all checked-out files from SharePoint site using PowerShell
Straightforward PowerShell script designed to export all the checkedout files from all libraries from the SharePoint Site, utilizing PnP PowerShell.
Here’s a simple PowerShell script to export the list of all checkedout files from all libraries in a SharePoint Site by using PnP PowerShell.
Write-Host "Execution Started" $siteurl = " " Try{ $ctx = Get-PnPConnection If($ctx.Url.ToLower() -ne $siteurl.ToLower()){ Connect-PnPOnline $siteurl -Interactive } }Catch{ Connect-PnPOnline $siteurl -Interactive } Write-Host "Connected to Site" #Get All libraries from the site $alllibraries = Get-PnPList | Where-Object {$_.BaseTemplate -eq 101} #Get checkedout files from the library $results = @() foreach($library in $alllibraries){ Write-Host $library.Title $checkedoutfiles = Get-PnPFileInFolder -Identity $_.Title -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.CheckOutType -eq [int64]0} foreach($file in $checkedoutfiles){ $user = Get-PnPUser -Identity $file.CheckedOutByUser $results += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ Name = $file.Name Library = $library.Title FilePath = $file.ServerRelativeUrl CheckedOutByUser = $user.Email } } } # Export concatenates results in a checkedoutfiles.csv in running path $results | Export-Csv -Path "checkedoutfiles.csv" -NoTypeInformation Write-Host "Export Completed." Write-Host "Execution completed."
The above script executes and iterates to all libraries and also on all subfolders and fetch the details and exported to the csv file in current running path.
For more information, Installing PnP PowerShell