SharePoint sites creation using C# through WebServices

I am a new to SharePoint webservices and now working on customizing webservices for sharepoint. Here is a sample code for creating a site in SharePoint using it’s webservices.

Creating Site:

To create a site, project requires a methods to access sites for creating and deleting. Those methods and properties are available in admin webservice.


is a admin webservice available in directory called Root:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedweb server extensions12ADMISAPIadmin.asmx

Add this reference to the project, and change the reference name to SPAdminService.
The following code helps to create a site for the particular URL.

 protected void createSite()
string siteURL=”http://servername:port/site”;   Site URL
string siteTitle=”TestSite”;                  Site Title
string sitedes=”Site for testing”;            Site Description
int lcid=1033;                                     Local identifier – 1033 for English(US)
string siteTemp=”STS#0″;     Site Template “STS#0”-Team Site, “STS#1”-Blank

SiteSPAdminService.Admin adminService=new SPAdminService.Admin();
Authentication for default users crenntly logged in OS
adminService.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

Assigning authentication by code.  
adminService.Credentials=new NetworkCredential(“UserName”,”Password”,”Domain”);
adminService.CreateSite(siteURL, siteTitle , sitedes , lcid, siteTemp, “domainUserName”, “Display_UserName”, “email”, “”, “”);
catch(Exception ex)

Shantha Kumar
Shantha Kumar
Articles: 296


  1. Hi!
    I wrote a same code, but it always said this:

    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Exception of type ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException’ was thrown.

    Any idea?

  2. hey i was getting the same error..!
    more over this error is coming only for thisweb services..!

  3. Has anyone got this approach on creating sitecollections working with custom site-templates? I’ve been struggling with this quite a few hours :-( ……

  4. uable to access admin.asmx, it is been blocked.
    i did some google and asmx removed from blocked files, then msg prompt file not found. please direct me in right path.

  5. I want to create site using custom template i.e stp file.

    How can i acheive using createsite webservice?

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