SharePoint Database SQL Query Tips1

Today onwards on daily basis, I decided to post the Sql Query to access the SharePoint Databases. To know more about the databases in Sharepoint , check my SharePoint Databases Post.
To retrieve all lists from the database, use the following query,

select AllLists.tp_Title as ‘List Title’,webs.Title as ‘Web Title’
from dbo.AllLists as AllLists
inner join dbo.Webs as webs
on webs.Id=AllLists.tp_WebId
order by webs.Title

dbo.AllLists Table contains all the lists available in WebApplication Level *

dbo.Webs Table Contains all the webs or sites available in WebApplication LevelĀ  *

Sql Query Result
Sql Query Result - Returns All Lists with Site

*If the Database configured for SiteCollection, then the table only contains the datas for SiteCollection Level.

Shantha Kumar
Shantha Kumar
Articles: 280