Modern SPFx Webparts Comparison in SPOnline vs SP2019

Get to know the OOTB modern SharePoint Framework webparts comparison between SharePoint 2019 and SharePoint Online.

When comparing with SharePoint Server 2019 with SharePoint Online, more than 50% of elements and components may differ. Lot of items are not available in SharePoint 2019 including modern OOTB SPFx webparts.

I have prepared the compilation of available / unavailable webparts in both environments based on the analysis.


WebParts SPOnline SP2019
Bing Maps Y N
Button Y N
Call to Action Y N
Code Snippet Y N
Countdown Timer Y N
Divider Y Y
Document Library Y Y
Embed Y Y
Events Y Y
File Viewer Y Y
Group Calednar Y N
Hero Y Y
Highlighted Content Y Y
Image Y Y
Image Gallery y Y
Kindle Instane Preview Y N
Link Y N
List Y Y
List Properties Y N
Markdown Y N
Microsoft Forms Y N
News Y Y
Microsoft Connectors Y N
Microsoft 365  Video Y N
Page Proeprtoies Y N
People Y Y
Planner Y N
PowerApps Y N
Power Bi Report Y N
Quick Chart y Y
Quick Links Y Y
Recent Documents Y N
Site Activity Y Y
Sites Y N
Spacer Y N
Stream Y Y
Text Y Y
Twitter Y N
Weather Y N
World Clock Y N
Yammer Y Y
Youtube Y N

If I missed any webparts, do let me know in the below comments section. Will cover the alternative webparts / solutions in my next blog post for each Unavailable webparts.


Shantha Kumar
Shantha Kumar
Articles: 296