Export the list of all SitePages details from SharePoint Site

Straightforward PowerShell script designed to export all the Site Pages from the given SharePoint Online site by utilizing PnP PowerShell

In the fast-paced world of data management and automation, the ability to export data efficiently is a skill highly required by professionals across various fields. Fortunately, PowerShell scripts offer a powerful solution to streamline this process, allowing users to extract and manipulate data with ease.

Here’s a simple PowerShell script that assists in exporting the list of all Pages from Site Pages library from SharePoint Site with the details (Id, Title, Header, Section count, controls count, more.. ) by utilising PnP PowerShell.

PnP PowerShell version used:2.4.63-nightly


Write-Host "Execution Started..."
$siteurl = "https://<tenant_name>.sharepoint.com/sites/<site_name>"
Connect-PnPOnline $siteurl -Interactive
$files = Get-PnPFileInFolder -Identity "SitePages"
Write-Host "Total files found: "$files.length
if ($files.length -gt 0) {
    Write-Host "Export Started..."
    $results = @()
    foreach ($file in $files) {
        Write-Host $file.Name
        if ($file.Name.Contains(".url")) {
            $results += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                ID               = ""
                Name             = $file.Name
                Title            = ""
                LayoutType       = ""
                HeaderLayoutType = ""
                ComponentsCount  = ""
                SectionsCount    = ""
                Created          = $file.TimeCreated
                LastModified     = $file.TimeLastModified
        else {
            $page = Get-PnPPage -Identity $file.Name
            $results += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                ID               = $page.PageId
                Name             = $page.Name
                Title            = $page.PageTitle
                LayoutType       = $page.LayoutType
                HeaderLayoutType = $page.PageHeader.LayoutType
                ComponentsCount  = ($page.controls -Split ",").length
                SectionsCount    = ($page.Sections -Split ",").length
                Created          = $file.TimeCreated
                LastModified     = $file.TimeLastModified
    $results | Export-Csv -Path "allpagedetails.csv" -NoTypeInformation
    Write-Host "Export Completed."
Write-Host "Execution Ended."

The above script iterates to all the files from the Site Pages library and retrieve the page information. Then it exports in to the csv file in current running path.

Shantha Kumar
Shantha Kumar
Articles: 296