Shantha Kumar T
How to update Multi Choice Value to SharePoint List Item
SharePoint Online uses the Lists and Libraries to store the collection of data and documents respectively. Each row in both is considered as a List Item and each List Item consists of collection of fields / columns. In this blog, We’ll see how to update the Multiple Choice Column value in SharePoint List Item using Power Automate.
Method: Post https://<tenant><site_name>/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('<list_title>')/ items(<item_id>)/validateUpdateListItem()
Let’s create a Power Automate and add the “Send an HTTP request to SharePoint” action and input the details below,
Action Inputs
Site Address | SharePoint Site Collection URL I have added an environment variable |
Method | POST |
Uri | _api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘<list_title>’)/items(<item_id>)/validateUpdateListItem() |
Headers | Accept: application/json;odata=verbose Content-Type: application/json;odata=verbose |
Body |
{ "formValues": [ { "FieldName": "ChoiceColumn", "FieldValue": ";#Choice 1;#Choice 2;#" } ] } In the Field Value, use the syntax ;#<choice_value1>;#<choice_value2>;# |
Power Automate Action

Response Body
After the successful update, Flow returns the following output in response,
{ "d": { "ValidateUpdateListItem": { "__metadata": { "type": "Collection(SP.ListItemFormUpdateValue)" }, "results": [ { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "FieldName": "ChoiceColumn", "FieldValue": ";#Choice 1;#Choice 2;#", "HasException": false, "ItemId": 2 } ] } } }