Shantha Kumar

Shantha Kumar

Sites and Sub-sites

By SharePoint object model, how we can get all the sites with sub sites and the top-level sites alone separately. The following snippet which returns all the sites and sub-sites from the site collection. SPSite site=new SPSite.AllWebs; and if we…

Retrieve SiteCollection Groups

SharePoint 2010 now supports the client side programming using Client API Classes and namespaces. Using those class references, we can see how to retrieve the list of Site collection groups. Before start the code, add the two namespaces Microsoft.SharePoint.Client and…

SP2010 Resources

I found some download links has the information on SharePoint 2010. Here i placed those links, that ‘ll be useful for all who want to know about SharePoint 2010. Hosting Environments for SharePoint 2010 Products Summarizes the support for hosting…