Shantha Kumar T
Learnings & Technical Adventure from ShanthaKumar
Learnings & Technical Adventure from ShanthaKumar
Tag SharePoint
Export properties of all lists using Microsoft 365 CLI
Secrets behind SharePoint Online – How to get Tenant & User’s AD ID
Secrets behind SharePoint Online – How to identify the current page is modern or not
Get Current User Information in SharePoint Framework with PnPJS

Get all attachments from List in SPFx webpart

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SharePoint Version Identifier
Sometimes we deployed to new SharePoint project and there we spent some time to identify the version of SharePoint. To overcome this I have created one simple utility to identify the SharePoint version with the service packs. We can get…
Remote Identification of SharePoint Version
SharePoint has lot of hidden files and methods which provides lot of information about the server and sites. Now we can see one of the hidden area from the vast of SharePoint Sea. SharePoint sites has the hidden file which…
Slide Out QuickLaunch – CSS & jQuery
Today I want to show you how to slide-out the QuickLaunch bar using CSS and jQuery. In SharePoint the QuickLaunch bar was visible on left side, now we are going to hide the QuickLaunch on Page Load. The Quick Launch…