The end of support for Outlook REST API v1.0, Office 365 Discovery and Live Connect API

Announcement of support for Outlook REST API v1.0, Office 365 Discovery and Live Connect API. And what is the alternate to these APIs

Office 365 recently announces the update on support to be end on Offic Discovery Service, Lice Connect API and Outlook V1.0 Rest API service from Ofice 365.

The summary of support end date is provide below,

DECEMBER 1, 2017
Live Connect API Stops returning user data  like profile, contacts, calendar
NOVEMBER 1, 2018
Outlook REST API V1.0 Support stops for Basic Authentication
Live Connect API Stops executing the code developed with Live Connect API
NOVEMBER 1, 2019
Outlook REST API V1.0 Stops executing this API
Office Discovery Service Office 365 stops supporting this service

Microsoft Graph will be alternative to Outlook REST API v1.0, Office 365 Discovery and Live Connect API

We are removing support for Office Discovery Service and Live Connect API

Plan For Change
Published On : October 28, 2017
Action required by December 1, 2017
Reference URL:


We will be removing support for the Office Discovery Service from Office 365, beginning November 1, 2019.
We will also be removing the Live Connect API’s and Live SDK, on November 1, 2018
Over the last few years, we have been investing in services that help developers access information in Office 365 in a simple and intuitive way. As we make progress in this journey, some technologies become obsolete, since they no longer provide the best way to interact with Office 365 data. The API’s we are removing, have been superseded by the Microsoft Graph.
How does this affect me?
Beginning November 1, 2018, any code using the Live Connect API’s and Live SDK will no longer execute. Note: Some of the Live Connect API’s will stop working before the API is fully decommissioned. In particular, the profile, contacts and calendar APIs will stop returning user data, on December 1, 2017.

Beginning January 10, 2018, newly registered apps will not be able to access the Office 365 discovery service.

Beginning November 1, 2019, any code using the following sets of API’s will no longer execute:
– Office 365 Discovery service in the endpoint

If you are building applications for Office 365, your app using these API’s will cease to function correctly, when this change is implemented.

You are receiving this message because our reporting indicates you are a developer of applications on Office 365 and may be affected by this change.

Around the middle of 2018, we will expand our notification to all Office 365 tenants with applications using these API’s. That notification may result in an increase in requests for app updates from their partner or consultant.


What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
If you have written your own code using these API’s, you will need to update your code to use the new Microsoft Graph, before these changes are implemented.

If you have written code using these API’s, for your Office 365 customers, we recommend you reach out to them with updates by the middle of 2018.

Have a visit to the link below to migrate Office discovery service to Microsoft Graph

We are removing support for Outlook REST API v1.0

Plan For Change
Published On : October 28, 2017
Action required by November 1, 2018
Reference URL:


We will be removing support for the Outlook REST v1.0 API’s from Office 365, beginning November 1, 2018.

Over the last few years, we have been investing in services that help developers access information in Office 365 in a simple and intuitive way. As we make progress in this journey, some technologies become obsolete, since they no longer provide the best way to interact with Office 365 data. The API’s we are removing, have been superseded by the Microsoft Graph and Outlook REST v2.0 API’s.


How does this affect me?
Beginning November 1, 2018, we will stop supporting Basic Authentication in the Outlook REST API v1.0.

Beginning November 1, 2019, any code using the following sets of API’s will no longer execute:
– Outlook REST API v1.0 in the endpoint

If you are building applications for Office 365, your app using these API’s will cease to function correctly, when this change is implemented.

You are receiving this message because our reporting indicates you are a developer of applications on Office 365 and may be affected by this change.

Around the middle of 2018, we will expand our notification to all Office 365 tenants with applications using these API’s. That notification may result in an increase in requests for app updates from their partner or consultant.


What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
If you have written your own code using these API’s, you will need to update your code to use the new Microsoft Graph and/or Outlook REST v2.0 API’s, before November 2018.

The below link help us to migrate Outlook REST API V1.0 to Microsoft Graph,


Shantha Kumar
Shantha Kumar
Articles: 292