Updating SharePoint ListItems

There are two methods available to update the List Items on SPListItem Object.

SPListItem.Update() used to update all the values in SharePoint List Item including pre-defined hidden fields. If we modified the item, that will affects the Modified Date, Modified By, Version information fields.

SPList olist = oweb.Lists.TryGetList(“ListName”);
SPListItem olistitem = olist.Items[1];
olistitem.Title = “Sample List Item”

SPListItem.SystemUpdate() method used to update the values of the listitem without modifying the Modified Date, Modified By and Version information fields.

SPList olist = oweb.Lists.TryGetList(“ListName”);
SPListItem olistitem = olist.Items[1];
olistitem.Title = “Sample List Item”

Shantha Kumar
Shantha Kumar
Articles: 296


  1. Hi,
    first of all thanks for blogging. That is useful to us to update share point .

    I have some issues if u have the solution please guide me..

    I have one info path form..in side this some registration details available…

    Now i wanna one more data with in this…

    that is i have one document library..that includes collection of files..
    Now i want to display that file inside info path form..
    if i click on that file that should open..

    Is there any webservise for this..
    if you have the solution please share with me

  2. Also, SystemUpdate() will not invoke any event receivers registered to that list eg. ItemUpdating, ItemUpdated etc. But calling the normal Update() will invoke the event receivers properly.

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