Microsoft Power Platform Connections – A developer analysis

Learn how to view the added connections in Microsoft Power Platform for the environment

Microsoft Flow / Microsoft Power Automate  is a service available in Microsoft 365 that enables the automation for different type of application by connecting with those services. To connect with those services, we should establish the connections with them. And then we can use those in our Power Platform to fetch or manage the data.

To view the connections created in Power Platform from the below locations,

  1. Through Power Apps<environment id>/connections|
  2. Through Power Automate<environment id>/connections

As a end user, to view the connectiones available for your environment, follow the below steps,

    1. Navigate to Microsoft  Power Automate or Microsoft Power Apps home page
    2. From Left Navigation, click Data and then Connections
      PowerPlatform Connections
    3. The connection page list out the added connections for the default environment

    To view other than environment connections, use the below URL,<environment id>/connections

    Use the below URL to view the connections with errors,<environment id>/connections?status=error

    Behind the Scene:

    we can use the below REST APIs in developer console to retrieve the Connections and environment objects of your Microsoft Platform Environment.

    Get added connections in the environment$filter=environment eq 'Default-<environment id>'

    Get Environments

Shantha Kumar
Shantha Kumar
Articles: 301